Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tips Make Money Blogging With Google Adsense(2)

What Works:
1) Content is King
It is still the King in 2009. In fact, original content has become more
and more important. Sites that do not have good amount of unique
content will be weeded out slowly, not only by Google, but by the
whole blogosphere. Would you rather bookmark and revisit a blog
with full unique, useful content or a blog with duplicated junky
content? Or a blog that simply spreads affiliate links on all possible
words? The answer is clear, Content Is Still The King In 2009!

2) Theme-based Blog
This is the next big thing that is going to hit the market in 2009. Last
year, we have seen many successful implementations of such kinds of
blogs. Instead of simply a blog, or a collection of daily musings, many
blogs are setup to closely focus around a theme. For example, if you
are writing about gardening, what you need to do with your blog is to
have a comprehensive, closely focused content about gardening, and
only gardening. Forget about setting up a pond in your garden. Forget
about the benefits of practicing Tai Ji in the garden. Focus on

3) Niche In A Niche
Gardening is a niche. Bonsai gardening is a niche in a niche. If you
plan to start a blog in 2009, you need to consider setting up the blog
within a niche, not on a niche. The competition has been furious.
Most popular niches have already been filled. Now, people are
moving into niche in a niche. It is a race on who gets to root into a
niche first and establish a name. So, try to think if there is a niche in a
niche that complements your current venture. You might want to
start a launch into a niche in a niche.

4) Contextual Link Exchange
This will rock 2009! Many services have been setup for this purpose.
Contextual link exchange happens this way: You are writing about
Bonsai gardening. You see someone else writing about Bonsai
gardening. You write about that blog and give a link to it. You then
email the blogger about the link, and ask if he will review your blog
and give you a link back on his blog. Both of you are talking about
bonsai gardening. Both of you write a post and give a link to each
other. It is so natural that Google is going to put weight on this type of
linking. Contextual Link Exchange will stay in 2009

5) Video Blogs
Yeah, this is going to rock 2009 as well. If you are setting up a blog,
and you want heavy amount of targeted visitors, use video. Write
some content and capture some videos. Post the video on YouTube,
Google Video and every place that allows video. Embed the video in
your blog. If you do it correctly and frequently, you can gather a mass
of loyal repeat visitors. You can also get links easily. Video is one of
the easiest way to link bait! This will help you build up your ranks in
Google and give you even more free traffic from the search engines.
Try to use as much video as possible in your blog, because this will be
the trend for 2009!

6) Outsource Content Writing
This has become popular. Successful bloggers are not building one
blog. They are building a network of blogs. We call it a Blog Empire!
We do not write the content ourselves. We outsource the content
writing. We do, however, tell the writers what to write and what not
to write. We do, as well, edit the content to add in some passion and
personalization. With the right outsourcing, we are able to manage
not one, but more than 30 blogs at one time, and still have time to
research and develop new blogs!


Joseph said...

Thank you for the informative post.

Well before you launch your own online business, it is smart to first build a presence and repute with the search engines leading to traffic generation and drive before you launch your business. In some cases, your main goal will be to directly make money blogging, while in other cases the goal will be to drive income from other sources by using your blog as a main entry point for traffic.

Learn Internet Marketer said...


great idea..
i like with your suggestion//
thx very much.

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